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  • Homework is assigned every Monday and due every Friday

  • Students are to read for a minimum of 60 minutes per week, 40 minutes in French and 20 minutes in English


Math Games:

  • Take a deck of cards, each pull a card and multiply the numbers

  • Pull 2 cards and have your child name all the factors of the number

  • Measure different household items and find the area and perimeter of the objects

  • Examine newspaper, magazine, websites to find large numbers. Have your child break down the numbers into each place value or ask them to write the number out in letters


Suggestions for Reading:

  • Ask your child to explain what they have read to you

  • Can you they make a connection with the story?

  • Did it remind them on anything they have read before?

  • Did they have a question during or after they read the story/text?

  • Can they predict what will happen next?


Suggestions for Writing:

  • Encourage your child to brainstorm to organize their ideas

  • Check for punctuation, capital letters and organization of ideas

  • Highlight or underline misspelled words and encourage your child to use a dictionary or decoding strategies to spell words correctly

  • Does their writing have a clear voice? (meaning is it obvious what they are trying to communicate

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